Chloe Charody Presents...
Mrs Giggly's Magic School is a totally wild, utterly bonkers and hilariously nutty circus-opera for children by Chloé Charody.
The story centres around Mrs Giggly, a magic teacher who has lost her belief in magic. Until one day, a young girl unexpectedly climbs out of a rainbow coloured toybox in her classroom and asks Mrs Giggly to be her magic teacher.
All of a sudden, Mrs Giggly and her sparkly pets (Lathundra; a fire-breathing dolly who plays the violin; Choo-Choo, a singing unicorn; Tiggly, an operatic Tigerfly; and Bruhnhildazon, a pole-dancing Polecat with the head of a snail) spring back to life and the task of teaching magic begins once again!
Mayhem, music, madness and more explode from Mrs Giggly’s classroom in this absolute firework of a show!
YouTube: Mrs Giggly Trailer