Spotlight Theatre presents...
After being raised at Hardup Hall by her father, the Baron, Cinderella finds herself with a new step-mother and two step-sisters. They treat Cinderella like a servant but she has a few friends to help her along the way including; Buttons & Moz, a teenage mouse! Prince Charming is holding a very big party for everyone in the town but the Baroness won’t let Cinderella go until she has finished all her chores.
Will Cinderella get to the party and meet her Prince Charming? We’ll need to ask the very magical Fairy Godmother…
Packed with comedy and festive fun for all the family, don’t miss this magical production with Amanda Hall at the Nottingham Arts Theatre.
Ticket Prices
Centre Block Side Block
Adults £22 £21
Child Under 16 £20 £19
Snr (66+) / Student
Family (Multiples of 4) £18.50 £17.50
A Family Ticket consists of 1 adult and 3 concessions OR 2 adults and 2 concessions only.
Groups of 10+ 1 free ticket for every 10 purchased
School/ Youth Groups £12 per child plus 1 free adult/teacher for every 10 purchased
For all group bookings email or call 0115 947 6096